Zhu Zanjin (Chinese: 朱贊錦; pinyin: Zhū Zàn Jǐn) (born on 16 September 1995) is a Chinese actor and dancer and graduated from Beijing Normal University with a major in dance. He made his debut as an actor in the 2015 television series Demon Girl. Since then he has appeared in a number of other film and television productions, including the 2018 xianxia drama The Untamed in which he played the character of Jin Guangyao. He reprised this role in the 2020 spin-off film Fatal Journey
園林設計,又稱爲「造園」 ,是在中國(或東亞其他國家)的傳統園林理論的基礎上,具有建築、植物、美學、文學等相關 ...
湖南 長沙 王陵公園牡丹園中心近日有一棵高大的牡丹引來遊人注目,它高約3米,冠幅達5平方米,虯勁蒼老的枝上,綴着雍容華貴牡丹花。花朵白裏透紅,花徑約10厘米。走近一嗅,花朵散發沁人心脾的芳香。公園工程師楊曦坤介紹,這是一棵千年牡丹 ... Mehr anzeigen
金狗1970年庚戌:四十八歲寺觀之狗五行屬金金狗的主人比較保守。 從外表上看,男性通常比較英俊,女性通常比較漂亮,很能吸引異性的視線。 大狗小狗的命運:特別是06年、94年、82年、70年、58年,准!
如何判断你的血型: 7 步骤
朱錦 - 房子向西 -